
Act pro v17 mail merge error 80040154
Act pro v17 mail merge error 80040154

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act pro v17 mail merge error 80040154

I called ACT! to find out what's up and was told that I need to purchase a support package in order for them to troubleshoot. ACT 2011 did not allow users to change the port, and apparently Act! v17 does not either. I typed in the Google server settings (), and keep getting a failed to connect error. I upgraded the database yesterday, upgraded the users today, and discovered that there is no way to change the port in the ACT! mail program. So after trying out a demo, I convinced my bosses to put $1,350 for an upgrade to the latest version of ACT!. I spoke with a customer service representative who informed me that upgrading to Act! v17 would allow "seemless Google integration" and would connect to the Google server without issue. The biggest issue that we encountered was that our version of Sage Act! Pro 2011 didn't allow a port change in order to connect with the Google server, so we were unable to send mail merges, an important part of our business. I recently switched my office over to a GMail server for our business e-mail due to our previous e-mail host having horrible uptime and customer service.

Act pro v17 mail merge error 80040154